Diseño de Interfaces Web

Scrum 1 - Website analysis & prototyping


1 Introduction

We are going to learn some basic guiding principles to improve usability and accesibility of web sites. We will also analyze some web sites to check if they implement these guidelines. Finally, we will design a prototype (mockup) of a web site following those guidelines.

We will use the Eduscrum framework. Students will work in teams and they will prepare a presentation to show what they have accomplished.

2 Learning goals

  • Learn some key features about web usability and accesibility.
  • Structure web pages in a correct way.
  • Create web prototypes using paper and digital tools.
  • Learn how to use a professional tool to build prototypes.

3 Agenda

Monday 09/24/2018 to Tuesday 09/25/2018
Planning meeting (2 days / 4 hours).
Wednesday 09/26/2018 to Tuesday 10/16/2018
Sprint (12 days / 19 hours).
Wednesday 10/17/2018
Demo (1 day / 2 hours).
Thursday 10/18/2018 to Friday 10/19/2018
Retrospective (2 days / 2 hours).

4 Product Backlog

4.1 Reading: Unit 1 Theory

Each team member must read unit 1 theory.

Definition of Done
You have read and understood the text.

4.2 Website analysis

Each team must analyze one the proposed websites in terms of usability and navigation. Each team must pick a different site.

Teams will browse through the site and they will try to answer the following questions:

  • What site is this? (Is it clear enough?)
  • Does it follow conventions?
    • Menus, logos, content,…
    • Are elements clear enough? (Search inputs, icons, social networks,…)
  • Is the hierarchy evident (sections, subsections,…)? Can I see the major sections of the site? What options do I have at this level of the hierarchy?
  • Are the pages divided in well defined sections / layers?
  • Can you distinguish links and buttons?
  • Is there any content that distracts the user?
  • Is the content structured?
  • Are there any search options? Are they clear enough?

Each member of the team MUST analyze the website on his/her own and try to answer the questions. Later, the whole team can share what they have and prepare the final analysis.

Definition of Done
The team has chosen a website. Each team member has analyzed the website and answered the questions. The team has discussed and prepared the final analysis.

4.3 Videos: Rapid Prototyping

Each team member must watch and try to understand these three videos:

Each video has a list of words and grammar constructs associated. For each video you will have to complete the following tasks:

  1. Read the list of words / expressions and mark the ones you don't know.
  2. Watch the video. You can use closed captioning (cc) in English.
  3. Pause the video when you find one of those words / expressions and try to guess the meaning.
  4. Look for the meaning in a dictionary.
  5. Add the word / expression and its meaning to your personal dictionary.
  6. When you have finished with the list, watch the video one more time. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words / expressions.
  7. Write a short summary of the video.
  8. Discuss with your teammates all the summaries you have prepared and make a group summary. Try to be concise and remark the main ideas.
Definition of Done
Every team member has watched and understood the three videos. Every team member has added the words and expressions he/she did not know to his/her personal dictionary. Every team member has prepared a summary of each video. The team has created a common summary of each video.

4.4 Prototyping

Teams will choose a free theme for a website (restaurant, school, store,…). They will prepare two mockups of the website: one in paper and the other one digital, using Moqups. Teams must try to follow the guidelines of the book Don't Make Me Think (from unit 1 theory) and the Rapid Prototyping video series analyzed previously.

The mockups must show:

Definition of Done
The team has designed all the pages of the website. Each page only shows the appropriate elements of the list. All the team members are satisfied with the results.

4.4.1 Minimum set of pages to design

  • Home page
  • Product / service list page
  • Product / service detail page
  • Sign-up / sign-in form page
  • Location & contact information page
  • Contact form page

4.4.2 Minimum set of elements to display (depending on the page)

  • Logo
  • Site name (company name, service name,…)
  • Page title
  • General search form
  • Navigation menus
  • Location map
  • Telephone and address info
  • Home link
  • Important info (sales, notifications,…)
  • Ads
  • Login link

5 Grading criteria

Scrum board (Flip) (20%)
Daily update, tasks estimation updates, Burn Down chart, daily scrums.
Percentage of completed Product Backlog (20%)
Completed tasks.
Quality (20%)
Originality, design, usability and accesibility features.
Retrospective (20%)
Correct revision of processes, identification of strengths and weaknesses, team analysis, individual analysis.
Demo session (20%)
Participation of all team members, oral presentation, materials used in the presentation, adecuation to available time.

Licencia de Creative Commons
Diseño de Interfaces Web by Pedro Prieto is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.