Diseño de Interfaces Web

Scrum 1 - Video 3 - Word list

List of words and grammar constructs for video 3 in Scrum 1.

Video link: Rapid Prototyping 3 of 3: Native Prototyping

  • Native (native prototyping)
  • Get your hands dirty
  • Browser
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • As much as possible
  • Real devices / data / users
  • Goal / Our goal for this video is to show you how to …
  • Leverage
  • Bring your ideas to life
  • Real world scenario
  • Turn an idea into an actual product
  • The best thing about…
  • Extension
  • Design process
  • Canvas
  • Paintbrush
  • Proficient / Proficiency / Strong technical proficiency
  • Depending on…
  • Ecosystem
  • SDK
  • Platform
  • Build
  • Android, iOS, Web Browser, Hardware, Arduino
  • Load / loaded
  • Gyroscope / Accelerometer / Speaker / Camera / Microphone / GPS
  • Hard / Pretty hard
  • Hacker
  • Shortcut
  • I should also mention / say…
  • Library
  • Framework
  • Fit
  • Commitment
  • Baseline
  • Feedback
  • User experience
  • Look and feel
  • Validation
  • LifeCycle
  • Workflow
  • Craft
  • Round
  • Iteration
  • Experience it all for themselves
  • Getting locked heavily
  • Let the prototypes be the proof
  • Product launch
  • Upgrade
  • Feature / existing feature
  • Silver bullet
  • Magic Process

Licencia de Creative Commons
Diseño de Interfaces Web by Pedro Prieto is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.