Diseño de Interfaces Web

Scrum 1 - Video 1 - Word list

List of words and grammar constructs for video 1 in Scrum 1.

Video link: Rapid Prototyping 1 of 3: Sketching & Paper Prototyping

  • Prototype
  • Idea
  • Early and often
  • Technique
  • Sketch / sketching /realistic sketch
  • Digital
  • Native
  • Developer
  • Design
  • Designer
  • Entrepeneur
  • Solve
  • Challenge
  • Graphic Design Tools
  • Mock
  • High Fidelity Mocks
  • High Tech Company
  • Benefit
  • Key decisions
  • Stage
  • Process
  • Sketching can be used in (nearly) any stage of the product design process
  • Outline
  • Flow / User flow
  • Explore
  • Layout
  • App structure
  • Wireframe
  • High fidelity
  • Button / Action button
  • Images
  • Color
  • Transfer your sketches to your digital tools
  • The more you can flush out your ideas on paper, the faster you'll move on your computer
  • Mid development
  • Post launch
  • It can be faster to communicate and validate your new ideas through sketches
  • User interactions / Key user interactions
  • Use of color
  • Pro tip
  • Simulate
  • We can explore what happens when…
  • Dropdown
  • Pop-up window
  • Record these interactions with your phone
  • Transitions
  • Material design (Google)
  • Paper and ink
  • A good place to start is…
  • Consistent
  • Color palette
  • Primary color / Accent color
  • Spec (specification)
  • Purposeful
  • App bar
  • Background
  • Fab
  • Tab
  • Not only is that easier, but …
  • Visual noise
  • Layer
  • X axis, Y axis, Z axis
  • Sheet
  • Teammates
  • Design decisions

Licencia de Creative Commons
Diseño de Interfaces Web by Pedro Prieto is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.